Digital Humanities and Cultural Pedagogies: cross-views of hybrid educational environments
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The Arts and the Humanities are experiencing a rapid process of evolution and change thanks to the growth of the digital universe. Education is also undergoing profound transformations, also motivated by the impact of this virtual reality which is already both local and global, ubiquitous, and affects us all. As teacher trainers, we analyse the hybridizations of the two scenarios of digital humanities and cultural pedagogies which can either create an integrative climate geared towards achievement, or, in the worst case, foster a new model of abuse and excess towards teachers and students at different stages of education. Looking at the situation, we observe that the digital dimension can help to break down the traditional barriers that have been imposed by specific areas of knowledge, and can help to achieve connected scenarios. Here we are interested in the different hybrid models, involving artists, arts educators, historians, linguists and designers, who show us their particular visions of this new model of connected educational contexts.
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