Analysis of the marks obtained with a gamified teaching strategy Case study in subjects in the field of mechanical engineering

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Albert Fabregat Sanjuan
Rosa Pàmies-Vilà
María Verdú-Pina
Cristina Urbina-Pons
Francisco Huera-Huarte
Francesc Ferrando-Piera

We present an analysis of the correlation between the qualifications from traditional assessment activities and the obtained with the gamified questionnaires. A method has been developed to automatically obtain grades with different weighting criteria (penalty for incorrect answers, as a function of time to answer and normalising the grades between the class). The results show in some cases significant correlations that suggest the use of the gamified activities in the summative evaluation.

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How to Cite
Fabregat Sanjuan, Albert et al. “Analysis of the marks obtained with a gamified teaching strategy: Case study in subjects in the field of mechanical engineering”. Revista del Congrés Internacional de Docència Universitària i Innovació (CIDUI), no. 5,