Skill research in the degrees of Infantile Education and Primary Education The perception of tutors about the undergraduate dissertation of the universities of Barcelona and Gerona
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Ana Ayuste
Begoña Gros
Payá Montserrat
Marta Sabariego
Berta Palou
Laura Rubio
Anna Escofet
Jennifer Mercader
Josep Gustems
Mariona Masgrau
Marta López
José Santamaría
The training of teachers in research practices has been increasingly linked to innovation and improvement of educational practices. From this perspective, we are currently developing a research training program for teaching students based on the needs of educational centres. As TFG (undergraduate dissertation) is a course that allows students to put research skills into practice, we have assessed the perception of TFG tutors about the level of research competence the students acquire and the difficulties they face as tutors.
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How to Cite
Ayuste, Ana et al. “Skill research in the degrees of Infantile Education and Primary Education: The perception of tutors about the undergraduate dissertation of the universities of Barcelona and Gerona”. Revista del Congrés Internacional de Docència Universitària i Innovació (CIDUI), no. 5,
(c) Revista del Congrés Internacional de Docència Universitària i Innovació (CIDUI), 2021
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