Com fer un article divulgatiu Integrant coneixements i desenvolupant competències

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Joan Carles Melgarejo
Elisabet Playà
Cristina Domenech Ortí
Joaquín Proenza
Marc Campeny
Cristina Villanova-de-Benavent
Meritxell Aulinas
Esperança Tauler
Josep Roqué
Malena Cazorla
Laura Gemmrich
Francisco Javier Casado
Albert Gil Soler
Alex Garcia
Pol Sunyer
Helena Escalona
Cristian Ruiz
Ernest Onetti
Ada Rodríguez
Roger Roca
Jordi Llopis
Yousra Haddad
Miquel Grande
Juan Serrano
Julia de Pablo Farré
Núria Solà Pujol

Activity designed to provide students with strong skills to write good reports or articles in their professional future. It is born to improve students' written communication skills. It is based on the writing of a divulgation article by teachers and different level students, with external review. It is intended that the student compensates for his effort with the publication of the article, and its dissemination. It is also intended to promote the Learning & Service methodology among students.

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How to Cite
Melgarejo, Joan Carles et al. “Com fer un article divulgatiu: Integrant coneixements i desenvolupant competències”. Revista del Congrés Internacional de Docència Universitària i Innovació (CIDUI), no. 5,

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