Science meets art: the case of Galileo’s telescope

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Margarita Ana Vázquez Manassero
Ángel Vázquez Alonso
An interdisciplinary approach for teaching science based on the history of science and history of art is proposed. The approach is innovative, as it traces the history of science for learning, and is complemented by products of art, whose accessibility and understanding amplify the attraction and motivation for students. As history and art are also school subjects, science teaching is approached by an interdisciplinary humanistic view through integrating science and humanities. The approach is contextualized with the case of Galileo’s telescope, which provides additional issues on nature of science and technology, the relationships between science and technology (scientific instruments) and the general relations of science and technology with society (art). As an example, a global educational proposal for the case is developed.
interdisciplinary teaching, history of science, history of art, nature of science and technology, Galileo’s telescope

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How to Cite
Vázquez Manassero, Margarita Ana; and Vázquez Alonso, Ángel. “Science meets art: the case of Galileo’s telescope”. Enseñanza de las Ciencias: revista de investigación y experiencias didácticas, vol.VOL 35, no. 3, pp. 195-1,
Author Biographies

Margarita Ana Vázquez Manassero, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)

Facultad de Geografía e Historia Departamento de Historia del Arte 

Personal contratado en formación

Ángel Vázquez Alonso, Universidad de las Islas Baleares

Centro de Estudios de Posgrado

Profesor asociado

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