La relevancia de la educación científica : actitudes y valores de los estudiantes relacionados con la ciencia y la tecnología

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Ángel Vázquez Alonso
María Antonia Manassero Mas
The Relevance of Science Education project (ROSE) is an international comparative questionnaire-based programme of research that explores a range of affective factors of school science education from the perspective of learners. The project is aimed to know the learners’ views and perceptions which are relevant and necessary conditions for effective science education. The data reported here derive from the application of four ROSE questionnaires: My opinions about science and technology, My science classes, Me and the environmental challenges, and My future job. The results on these affective topics display a general positive attitude on science and environment, a clear reject of science and technology jobs, a prevalent self-actualization orientation on a future job, and some significant gender differences, as well as many other details. Keywords. Attitude evaluation, scientific and technological education, gender differences, image of science, attitudes toward the school science, environmental attitudes, job expectations.

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Com citar
Vázquez Alonso, Ángel; and Manassero Mas, María Antonia. “La relevancia de la educación científica : actitudes y valores de los estudiantes relacionados con la ciencia y la tecnología”. Enseñanza de las Ciencias: revista de investigación y experiencias didácticas, vol.VOL 27, no. 1, pp. 33-48,

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