Analysis of the textual structure of chemistry textbooks regarding their teaching role

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Ainoa Marzabal Blancafort
Mercè Izquierdo Aymerich

In this research we analyze a sample of three textbooks containing a chemical discourse with a didactic intent that we want to characterize. The aim is to identify the conceptual content and to represent the information network to be built along the text, exploring the possibilities of comprehension that offers to readers this textual structure.

We have applied a model of reading comprehension to explore the textual basis of the Chemistry book, deepening in the analysis of the theoretical relationships that exist between these concepts, which has allowed us to demonstrate the construction overly theoretical of Chemistry in school textbooks, which is then detached from the real world phenomena and loses its explanatory and predictive power and the various teaching styles that are intended to facilitate the reader student the understanding of the information they contain.

textbook, Chemistry, discourse analysis, comprehensibility

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How to Cite
Marzabal Blancafort, Ainoa; and Izquierdo Aymerich, Mercè. “Analysis of the textual structure of chemistry textbooks regarding their teaching role”. Enseñanza de las Ciencias: revista de investigación y experiencias didácticas, vol.VOL 35, no. 1, pp. 111-32,
Author Biographies

Ainoa Marzabal Blancafort, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Profesora Asistente

Departamento de Didáctica

Facultad de Educación


Mercè Izquierdo Aymerich

Profesora emérita

Departament de Didàctica de la Matemàtica i les Ciències Experimentals

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