Error y conocimiento : un modelo filosófico para la didáctica de la ciencia

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Jordi Vallverdú
Mercè Izquierdo i Aymerich
This paper analyzes the usefulness of embedding a new science analysis model (MADiC) into the conceptual analysis about the nature of science made by science teachers and, more boradly, to those courses that involve critical thinking about the nature of science. This model is related to usually hidden aspects of the experimental activity (error, interest conflicts or citizenship participation into scientific processes) and it shows us how he analysis of all these factors makes possible a better understanding of the research and about the change or progress within the scientific dynamics. This paper evaluates the model in its application in different in different groups of students in diverse educational frames. It also explores its capacity to contribute to the design of the science classroom according to a CTS approach, which requires the convergence of the different subjects from the curriculum. When including the influence of all these factors in the emeregence of knowledge, the science teacher has more resources to collaborate with professors of other subjects in order to train people with criterion and a capacity to decide.

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Com citar
Vallverdú, Jordi; and Izquierdo i Aymerich, Mercè. “Error y conocimiento : un modelo filosófico para la didáctica de la ciencia”. Enseñanza de las Ciencias: revista de investigación y experiencias didácticas, vol.VOL 28, no. 1, pp. 47-60,

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