Assessment by students of an experience of applying self-assessment questionnaires in different modalities: Moodle, Kahoot! and pencil and paper

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Magda Rivero García
Lidia Caballero Balañá
Montserrat Celdrán Castro
Josep Lluís Conde Sala
Mercè Garcia-Milà Palaudarias
Sonia Jarque Fernández
Maria Josep Jarque Moyano
Mª Ángeles Ortega Reverte
Núria Ribera Turró
Rodrigo Serrat Fernández
Fàtima Vega Llobera
Rosa M. Vilaseca Momplet
Feliciano Villar Posada

The assessment by students of an experience with self-assessment questionnaires with feedback in three modalities is presented: a) Moodle; b) Kahoot!; c) pencil and paper. Two questionnaires were applied, in three subjects of Developmental Psychology. The results show a very positive assessment by students, a little higher in Kahoot!, and the convenience of introducing some improvements, such as applying more questionnaires or setting difficulty levels.

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How to Cite
Rivero García, Magda et al. “Assessment by students of an experience of applying self-assessment questionnaires in different modalities: Moodle, Kahoot! and pencil and paper”. Revista del Congrés Internacional de Docència Universitària i Innovació (CIDUI), no. 5,

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