La colección Marca Hispanica, un ambicioso proyecto de traducción de José Agustín Goytisolo

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Luisa Cotoner Cerdó
In May 1985 José Agustín Goytisolo launched an ambitious project to translate into Spanish works originally written in Catalan. To this end, with a small group of collaborators he founded the Marca Hispanica collection. Its aim was to spread Catalan literature beyond its borders to reach millions of readers of Spanish through schools, teachers and language academies around the world. The initial idea was to make available in bilingual editions a hundred representative works of Catalan literature but, in the event, only twenty-two volumes were ever published. Based on access to unpublished documents, in this article we defend this endeavour, report on its progress and relate the circumstances, beyond the control of the participants, that led to its demise.

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Com citar
Cotoner Cerdó, Luisa. “La colección Marca Hispanica, un ambicioso proyecto de traducción de José Agustín Goytisolo”. Quaderns: revista de traducció, no. 14, pp. 105-24,