XYZ-Stars i Solar System Pathway: una experiència museística de treball per projectes sobre les constel·lacions i el Sistema Solar

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Xavier Domènech
Isabel Llorente
Neus Ruiz
Carles Serra
Maria Ulldemolins
Antoni Arrizabalaga
Jordi Domènech-Casal

High school students usually present misconceptions related with the dimensions and pro-portions of the Univers and celestials bodies. Active methodologies (as project work) repre-sent an opportunity to put these misconceptions in a situation of a cognitive conflict. In this article, it has been described two interdisciplinary experiences of project work about the constellations and the Solar system. The experiences have been developed as a quarterly project with the collaboration of Natural Science Museum of Granollers, and as a result it has been done an exhibition open to the public about students’ productions in a room of the museum as a urban model. The results of the applications have been described together with an assessment to guide the development of quarterly projects.

constellations, astronomy, project work, Solar system, museum

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How to Cite
Domènech, Xavier et al. “XYZ-Stars i Solar System Pathway: una experiència museística de treball per projectes sobre les constel·lacions i el Sistema Solar”. Ciències: revista del professorat de ciències de Primària i Secundària, no. 31, pp. 21-28,

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