Aplicació de la metodologia de l’aula inversa en una assignatura de química descriptiva

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Josep Duran Carpintero
Alfons Polo Ortiz
Albert Poater Teixidor

The results of having applied the inverted classroom methodology in the peer instruction modality to two different courses of a second-year subject in the degree in chemistry are presented. In one of the corses, the modality was applied throughout the two academic periods. In the other, only during the second. The results shown are not clearly favorable to the application of the methodology throughout the course. But not everything is shadows, there is also light.

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How to Cite
Duran Carpintero, Josep et al. “Aplicació de la metodologia de l’aula inversa en una assignatura de química descriptiva”. Revista del Congrés Internacional de Docència Universitària i Innovació (CIDUI), no. 6, https://raco.cat/index.php/RevistaCIDUI/article/view/417649.

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