Socio-educational action from a perspective of complexity
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Vilar Martín, Jesús; and Riberas Bargalló, Gisela. “Socio-educational action from a perspective of complexity: Challenges and proposals”. Educació social. Revista d’intervenció socioeducativa, no. 82, pp. 110-34, doi:10.34810/EducacioSocialn82id420888.


Professional action rests on four mutually dependent pillars: a solid epistemological framework to interpret the phenomena on which we want to operate; a professional culture to provide a technical framework for action and which must be coherent with the theoretical assumptions from which reality is described; a legal and juridical framework that regulates the activity; and an ethical approach to the moral duties and ethical
commitments that are acquired with society and with the people to whom we provide care. This article focuses on the current mismatch that exists between the epistemological framework and the professional culture based on which technical processes are constructed. While the former is based largely on theories of complexity, responses are still given from the perspective of active professionalism typical of a Cartesian positivist model when our work should be based on reflective professionalism. This mismatch directly affects the effectiveness and efficiency of professional activity and also generates contradictions of an ethical nature. From this starting point, the paper identifies the essential elements of
theories of complexity that should be taken into account in professional action. Furthermore, it describes the two
predominant professional cultures (reflective and active) and makes technical proposals from the perspective of reflective professionalism to ensure coherence with the epistemological model of complexity


  • complexity
  • reflective professionalism
  • active professionalism
  • professional culture
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