Investiguem i ens comuniquem científicament: una proposta de centre com a dinamització de la Competència Científica

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Joan Antoni Álvarez
Jordi Domènech-Casal
Anna Garrote
Jesús Gasco
Carlos Oliveros
Lluís Rodríguez
The development of the scientific competence implies participating in first person in scientific communications and investigation activities. Here, we present an experience developed dur-ing 2013-2014 and 2014-2015 academic courses in the The Science Week in which science teachers and students from all courses from the high school INS Vilanova have participated. Students have investigated and communicated to mates from other courses their results in different scientific formats. The experience has been valued very positively due to the in-crease interest of students in science, the development of scientific abilities and the diffusion of different typologies of scientific activities.
inquiry, scientific communication, context, scientific competence

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How to Cite
Álvarez, Joan Antoni et al. “Investiguem i ens comuniquem científicament: una proposta de centre com a dinamització de la Competència Científica”. Ciències: revista del professorat de ciències de Primària i Secundària, no. 31, pp. 12-20,

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