The art world is not perfect. On Man is Not Perfect, 1976 by Miklós Erdély

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Miklos Peternak

Miklós Erdély (1928-1986), an exceptional artist in the international and Hungarian scene, created the work that serves as the basis of this analysis in 1976. Man is Not Perfect – the title refers to Karl Jaspers – consists of four panels. In its current state, the work bears little resemblance to what spectators saw in 1976 in the event Exposition - photo/art, for which the work was made. The changes in the visibility, what we can see in the reproductions from different periods, were “pre-programmed”, if we may say so, into the materiality of the work by the author, as Erdély was always especially conscious of the use of materials. Does this transformation in time change the meaning of the artwork, and if so, why and how? The relations between the diverse elements or “medium” of the montage, like original photographs, reproductions, blueprints, citations, ready-made parts, photograms and phantom images, may explain the “story” in a pictorial way.


Materiality, concept art, photography, montage, original, reproduction

Article Details

How to Cite
Peternak, Miklos. “The art world is not perfect. On Man is Not Perfect, 1976 by Miklós Erdély”. Artnodes, no. 34, pp. 1-9, doi:10.7238/artnodes.v0i34.424439.
Author Biography

Miklos Peternak, Intermedia Department at the Hungarian University of Fine Arts. Professor

He was born in Esztergom, Hungary, and lives in Budapest. He studied history and history of art, and obtained his New Media – Art and Science PhD in 1994. He was a member of the Béla-Balázs-Studio, Budapest (1981-1987) and the Indigo Group. He was head of the Intermedia Department at the Hungarian University of Fine Arts since its foundation till 2021, director of C3: Center for Culture and Communication since 1997. He has produced several films and videos during the 1980s and published numerous articles and books on media art and history. Also, he organized several shows and events, like: Vision - Image and perception, the Hungarian Pavilion at the 2011 Venice Biennale, Eyeresonator, Memories of Forgetting – Photo/Model 2, EPPUR SI MOVIE! IMXXX – Intermedia Retrospective.


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