ARTNODES, e-journal on art, science and technology, has been indexed in the following library catalogues and directories:

Databases for the identification, evaluation and impact of scientific journals

Bibliographical databases of humanities and philology academic journals

  • Fuente Académica Plus (EBSCO)
    Full-text database of Spanish- and Portuguese-language academic content for researchers studying a broad range of disciplines. An extensive collection of scholarly journals and quality titles from Latin America, Portugal and Spain.
    Reference directory of the Centro de Información y Documentación Científica (CINDOC-CSIC).

Reference directories of journals

Content databases

  • Dialnet
    Portal for the dissemination of Spanish-American scientific work promoted by the University of La Rioja

Databases of open access journals

  • DOAJ
    Directory of Open Access Journals.
  • Dulcinea
    A portal with the terms in force for copyright and self-archiving at Spanish scientific journals
    Bank of open access journals with worldwide application (University of Michigan)
  • Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico (REDIB)
    Database of Spanish and Latin American scientific journals (CINDOC-CSIC)
  • Sherpa/Romeo
    A searchable database of publisher's policies on self-archiving of journal articles on the web and in open-access repositories

Libraries catalogues

System for persistent identification of items