When we say that human beings are only fully able to live as such through the narrative reconstruction of our experiences, we are making use of concepts deployed by a number of contemporary authors who draw attention to the importance of being recognized as a construct made of words. It is insofar as those words are interpreted and contextualized by professionals that the meaningful dialogical situation takes on importance. With this perspective in view we have created the courses in Social Skills, Interview Techniques and Crisis Situation magement, designed to integrate the theoretical models and the variables that present in the rapport with the service user, particularly where this communicative relationship is formalized in the interview situation. We also show how our training process, based on the simulation of situations, fosters commitment to teamwork and self-understanding.Keywords
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Trevithick, P. (2002). Habilidades de comunicación en intervención social.Madrid: Narcea.
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El copyright © de la revista pertany a la Facultat d'Educació Social i Treball Social Pere Tarrés. Universitat Ramon Llull