El paradigma de la calidad normativa en el diseño de cursos en línea masivos y abiertos

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Miguel Baldomero Ramírez-Fernández
José Luis Salmerón Silvera
Eloy López Meneses
In the scientific and informative literature Massive Open On Line Courseshave been considered as a revolution with great potential in the education and training world. In this sense, this movement has been of interest worldwide due to its great potential to offer a free training, quality and accessible to all users regardless of their country of origin, prior training and without the need to pay for registration. Since early 2010, the arrival of these courses began to be viewed from a more academic perspective when different prestigious universities began their mass activities, among others, Stanford, Harvard, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the University of Pennsylvania and the Toronto University. It there is agreement in the scientific community about the importance and popularity of this movement, mainly by its international scope and the opportunity to provide a quality education through prestigious institutions, which recently was destined to elite organizations. However, there are discrepancies and questions about the pedagogical value and scope will move in Higher Education. Doubts are mainly focused on the value that the scientific community gives the movement from its impact on the socio-educational field and facing positions from authors who consider a destructive movement toward others define it as refreshing and creative action. In this sense, the universe of Massive Open On Line Courses is the subject of educational and training reflection among different authors and institutions of higher education in the globalized world, but the dimensions and implications of the evaluative view of these courses is necessary since different views. This article provides a descriptive overview of the instructional design of the Massive Open On Line Courses and the possible assessment of their quality is presented through setting standards on UNE 66181:2012 Quality Management of Virtual Training.
Paraules clau
Cursos online, Educación Superior, MOOC, Calidad de la Formación Virtual, Estándares de Calidad, Norma UNE 66181

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Com citar
Ramírez-Fernández, Miguel Baldomero et al. “El paradigma de la calidad normativa en el diseño de cursos en línea masivos y abiertos”. DIM: Didáctica, Innovación y Multimedia, no. 33, pp. 1-16, https://raco.cat/index.php/DIM/article/view/306810.

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