For a post-dramatic of science

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Ricardo Sarmiento Gaffurri

This article explores the convergence between theater and science by highlighting some milestones that – from the 20th century to today – anticipate the post-dramatic movement and its impact on contemporary practices. Hans-Thies Lehman’s post-dramatic theory challenges the centrality of drama and promotes an expanded experience that pivots through body, space and time in a phenomenological manner. Erika Fischer-Lichte complements this approach by including concepts such as transformation and autopoiesis. Based on the post-dramatic theory, guidelines are proposed that allow the articulation of ephemeral and generative events, where theater and science can dialogue thanks to the interactive participation of different ranges of audiences. The need to address an experimental and collaborative approach is highlighted, suggesting interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary essays, unconventional use of spaces and theatricalization of research media, with the aim of showing new ways of making and producing knowledge.


post-dramatic, interactivity, technology, science, performativity, complex systems

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How to Cite
Sarmiento Gaffurri, Ricardo. “For a post-dramatic of science”. Artnodes, no. 34, pp. 1-10, doi:10.7238/artnodes.v0i34.424568.
Author Biography

Ricardo Sarmiento Gaffurri, University of Los Andes, Bogotá

Ricardo Sarmiento Gaffurri is an associate professor in the Design Department of the University of Los Andes, where he was Principal between 2017 and 2023. He is a professor of lectures in creative design, narratives and art direction. He is a researcher, director and playwright, with over twenty professional films presented in Colombia, Korea, Italy and the United States. He has written scripts and directed telemovies. His original and creative approach to different media challenges classic visions of direction and writing. He has written the research books Invisible Directores Invisibles y Haptopías. His interests focus on design as projectual thinking, the boundaries between film and performance, interactive narratives, cultural industries and displacements to communicate science.


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