Laboratorio de Luz. Over 30 years of research in art, science and technology in the Spanish landscape

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Moisés Mañas Carbonell
María José Martínez de Pisón Ramón

In 2023, the Laboratorio de Luz (UPV) turns 33, and it is a good time to reflect, and share that reflection, on the contributions and positionings of the work carried out by this group of researchers and artistic collective that is considered to be one of the first nodes of university, art, science and technology in the Spanish scene. Rethinking the work of this collective also involves reviewing the conditions of possibility that existed in the Spanish context 30 years ago and those that exist today for art-science-technology research in Spain. Reviewing the Laboratorio de Luz (Light Laboratory) is also making the exercise of understanding the importance of the evolution of interdisciplinary collaboration and the value of individual contributions in the collective within the framework of art research and university artistic teaching in the Spanish context.


Laboratorio de Luz, Media Lab, Media Art, ACTS, STEAM

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How to Cite
Mañas Carbonell, Moisés; and Martínez de Pisón Ramón, María José. “Laboratorio de Luz. Over 30 years of research in art, science and technology in the Spanish landscape”. Artnodes, no. 31, pp. 1-9, doi:10.7238/artnodes.v0i31.411124.
Author Biographies

Moisés Mañas Carbonell, Universitat Politècnica de València

Multimedia artist, researcher and university professor. PhD in Visual Arts and Intermedia from the UPV. Currently, he is a professor of Media Art in the Department of Sculpture at the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV). Director of the Official Master in Visual Arts and Multimedia (UPV) since 2012. Member since 2000 of the R+D+i research group Laboratorio de Luz. Since 1996 he makes use of new technologies applied to art. His work has been presented and awarded in different festivals and exhibitions related to art and technology, inside Spain and internationally since 1997. He has presented papers and participated in panel discussions at electronic art festivals such as FutureEverything (Manchester), Ars Electronica-Electro Campus (Linz-Austria), Transmediale (Berlin), AMAZE (Berlin) and ISEA (Istanbul). Since 2002 he has participated in nine research projects in art and technology funded by national and European public calls. He has directed six doctoral theses.

María José Martínez de Pisón Ramón, Universitat Politècnica de València

Multimedia artist, researcher and university professor. PhD in Fine Arts from the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV). She is currently a professor in the Painting Department at the UPV. Founder of the R+D+i research group Laboratorio de Luz in 1990. Founder of the research journal Arte: proyectos e ideas in 1992. In her long career, she has supervised fifteen doctoral theses since 1992 and has participated in more than twelve research projects in art and technology subsidized in national and European public calls being the main investigator in four of them.


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