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No. 10 (2014): Epistemología y docencia jurídica en México
Origin, development and present of the socialist education in Mexico.
Gerardo Hernández Aguilar
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Pedagogy, basis for thinking about legal practice.
Xenia Paola de los Ángeles Cárdenas Álvarez, Sergio René Becerril Calderón
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Neo-constitutionalism and education in Mexico.
Gabriela Nieto Castillo
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Monographic Section
Thoughts on lawyers’ formation. An approach to the needs of society and academic development.
Gerardo Servín Aguillón
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Queer theory in the teaching of law.
Juan Carlos Herrera Herrera, Yazmin Guerrero Prado, Lourdes Sánchez Rosas
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The teaching of constitutional law from the local in México.
Luis Eusebio Alberto Avendaño González
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As dialectic deconstruction legal dogmatism.
Oscar Huicochea García
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Research, studies and relevant reports
Teaching without Lecturing: Law at the University Level The coaching method applied in the teaching of law to students pursuing non-law degrees.
Ricardo Oliva León
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Introduction of gender perspective into the juridical academic degrees: towards a regulated education.
Juana María Gil Ruiz
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Selection of university teaching staff: The system of accreditation.
Vicenç Aguado Cudolà
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Educational experiences (innovation)
Financial tax law in business administration: dogmatic and practice.
María del Carmen Pastor del Pino
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The evaluation of the practices in the graduate in law.
Mª del Mar de la Peña Amorós
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The learning and development of legal thinking through the jurisprudence.
Beatriz Verdera Izquierdo
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A proposal of a methodological integration of the Virtual Campus and Web 2.0 tools in the course “Contractual and extracontractual responsibility” in the third year of Law Degree.
Victoria I. Marín Juarros
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J.M. GIL RUIZ (2012), Las nuevas técnicas legislativas en España. Los Informes de Evaluación de Impacto de Género. Editorial Tirant Lo Blanch, Valencia, 246 págs. ISBN13:9788490042076.
Beatriz Collantes Sánchez
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