Cómo y qué enseñar de la biodiversidad en la alfabetización científica

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Javier García Gómez
Francisco Javier Martínez Bernat
The purpose of this article is to approach the didactic treatment of biodiversity conservation issues from the double perspective of scientific literacy and environmental education. We attempt to provide ideas on how articulating their respective theoretical speeches with practice in biological education; understanding the need to fit principles and goals that characterize them, with the processes of teaching and learning concepts, values, processes and techniques; significantly necessary to develop of citizenship, critical interpretation and based decision-making capacities, related to the political proposals and measures on biodiversity conservation.

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García Gómez, Javier; and Martínez Bernat, Francisco Javier. “Cómo y qué enseñar de la biodiversidad en la alfabetización científica”. Enseñanza de las Ciencias: revista de investigación y experiencias didácticas, vol.VOL 28, no. 2, pp. 175-84, https://raco.cat/index.php/Ensenanza/article/view/199611.