The process of establishing the CEESC (Association of Social Educators of Catalonia) Ethics Committee
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Dueñas, Joan et al. “The process of establishing the CEESC (Association of Social Educators of Catalonia) Ethics Committee”. Educació social. Revista d’intervenció socioeducativa, no. 84, pp. 87-99, doi:10.60940/EducacioSocialn84id431613.


This article briefly describes the process of setting up the CEESC (Association of Social Educators of Catalonia) Ethics Committee. It begins with an initial reflection on ethics in professional activities and the need to provide structures that make it possible to develop ethical reflection in collegiate
structures. This is followed by a description of the various stages leading up to the creation of the committee, as well as its main functions and activities. The article concludes by presenting some of the major difficulties encountered for launching the committee, as well how its activity has since been reoriented and its most immediate future challenges.


  • professional ethics
  • ethics committee
  • applied ethics
  • ethical deliberation
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