The therapeutic function of social work in the context of the centre of child development and early care
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López Romero, Anna; and Camps Galí, Maria. “The therapeutic function of social work in the context of the centre of child development and early care: Analysis of a shared experience through the concept of mentalization”. Educació social. Revista d’intervenció socioeducativa, no. 74, pp. 59-72, doi:10.34810/EducacioSocialn74id364745.


The article aims to stimulate reflection on the practice of social work in the context of the centre for child development and early care (CDIAP) and to analyse its therapeutic potential, on the basis of an experience carried out jointly with a psychologist, a specialist in early care who coauthored the text. The article begins by describing early care, the CDIAP service, and the role and responsibilities of the social worker, before outli-ning the characteristics of the client families seen and worked with by this professional. Finally, the experien-ce is described as an example of shared work undertaken from a transdisciplinary perspective and using group work techniques and mentalization processes to help guide and support the maternal role, as carried out in the mother and child service of the Cáritas charity and social relief organization in the town of Rubí. In this way, a preventive community-based intervention is presented in terms of the enrichment of a transdisciplinary experience spanning social work and psychology. At the same time the article acknowledges the theoretical frame of reference underpinning the necessary specialization of the professionals who work with earlychildhood in vulnerable environments.


social work, mentalization, families in crisis, transdisciplinarity treball social, mentalització, transdisciplinarietat trabajo social, mentalización, familias en crisis, transdisciplinariedad
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