The evolution of social work as profession in France
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Jovelin, Emmanuel. “The evolution of social work as profession in France”. Educació social. Revista d’intervenció socioeducativa, no. 48, pp. 47-64,


This chapter’s aim is to analyse the evolution of social professions in France, around its historical genealogy. Social work, built at the meeting of a triple history: familial substitution (social work profession), education of ‘maladjusted’ youth (specialist teachers), and activities with socio-cultural supervisors, has definitely suffered a break-up in the second half of the 20th century. As M. Autes underlines it, these three histories will constantly meet, even if each tries to mark its own domain of competence.


  • animators
  • associations
  • business intermediaries
  • decentralization
  • entrepreneurs
  • evolution
  • functions
  • identity crisis
  • integration
  • intervention
  • mediator
  • professionalization
  • restructuring
  • social policy
  • social work
  • urban policy
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