The gender perspective a new look at social reality
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Berga Timoneda, Anna. “The gender perspective a new look at social reality”. Educació social. Revista d’intervenció socioeducativa, no. 31, pp. 15-24,


The current state of the phenomenon we now know as 'gender-based violence'means that 'gender ', an academic concept originating from feminist theory in the social sciences, has progressed from being a media term into everyday but oft en inappropriate use. This article analyses gender as one of the central structures in current social in equalities. After pinpointing the concept within its social science theoretical framework, we propose its use as a touchstone in analysing our current social situation. A new perspective that must also be considered when designing inter ventions in the socioeducational field.


construcció social, desigualtat, diferència, domini, gènere, rol social construction, inequality, difference, domination, cender, role construcción social, desigualdad, diferencia, dominio, género, rol
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