Memòria i oblit en la història de la educació = Memory and oblivion in the history of education
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Juan Manuel Fernández Soria
After highlighting the nature of memory and oblivion in its relationship with history
and indicating the importance and the risks on memory in the events of history, this article
focuses on the study of the manipulation and confiscation of school memory, particularly
during Francoism, focusing its interest on both the political justification and the actions carried out on the places and on the depositaries of the memory in which the confiscation
is implemented and the consequence of this repressive policy: the rectification of
the school memory and the invention of a new memory. The moral dimension of the uses
of memory and oblivion with regard to policies and people closes this work.
and indicating the importance and the risks on memory in the events of history, this article
focuses on the study of the manipulation and confiscation of school memory, particularly
during Francoism, focusing its interest on both the political justification and the actions carried out on the places and on the depositaries of the memory in which the confiscation
is implemented and the consequence of this repressive policy: the rectification of
the school memory and the invention of a new memory. The moral dimension of the uses
of memory and oblivion with regard to policies and people closes this work.
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How to Cite
Fernández Soria, Juan Manuel. “Memòria i oblit en la història de la educació = Memory and oblivion in the history of education”. Educació i Història: revista d’història de l’educació, no. 9-10, pp. 11-26,
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