Education and citizenship in democratic societies: towards collaborative citizenship

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Miquel Martínez Martín
In this paper, we present a series of considerations on a proposal to educate citizens in democratic, plural societies in the era of globalization. This proposal should apply to education in general, not just to schools. We also present some reasons why this proposal is both necessary and advisable. The aim is to advance towards collaborative citizenship, in which democratic values and the value of pluralism are recognized. We highlight the importance of educational approaches that foster collaborative learning and participation as a way to build active and collaborative citizenship.
educació per a la ciutadania, valors democràtics, participació, aprenentatge col·laboratiu, pluralisme

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How to Cite
Martínez Martín, Miquel. “Education and citizenship in democratic societies: towards collaborative citizenship”. Temps d’Educació, no. 40, pp. 11-26,