Industrial Technology in the University Entrance Tests at Catalonia Analysis of the content and temporal evolution of the results

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Rosa Pàmies Vilà
Lluïsa Jordi Nebot
Joan Puig Ortiz

University Entrance Tests (UET) are a common mechanism for managing the entry of students into the university world. This paper focuses on Industrial Technology at Catalan UET, a subject that can be taken in the last two courses of high school education in the scientific-technological modality. This paper analyses the subject exam content and the test evolution in the period 2010-2022. The work also shows the effect of different legislation on the number of students taking the exam and the evolution of their grades.

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How to Cite
Pàmies Vilà, Rosa et al. “Industrial Technology in the University Entrance Tests at Catalonia: Analysis of the content and temporal evolution of the results”. Revista del Congrés Internacional de Docència Universitària i Innovació (CIDUI), no. 6,