Online ISSN: 2466-7757
The contents displayed on this website are a replica of the original contents, published in:
Langue(s) & Parole, a yearly scientific journal published jointly by UAB and the Centre International de Phonétique Appliquée (CIPA), intends to be a diffuser publication for unpublished research on French language and Francophone cultures as well as on the other Romance languages. It publishes, apart from miscellaneous volumes, themed numbers on specific cross curricular subjects concerning Language Linguistics and Speech Linguistics, Languages Contact, their literary and cultural dimensions, Philology, Traductology, Lexicography and “Dictionnairique” and Languages and Cultures Didactics.
It publishes papers written in Romance language or in English.
Current issue
No. 5 (2020): La lexicographie en tant que méthodologie de recherche en linguistique