The Digital Future of Facts

Main Article Content

Carles Sora

The mediated world in which we live is essentially chan­ging the way we explain, revive and build our perception of ‘reality’, facts and news. Augmented and virtual reality, artificial intelligence and new machine learning techniques or bots and algorithms for content creation and recommen­dation, just to name a few technologies, are already taking part of the mechanisms that the media professionals are using. Being or not aware of these technologies, we all deal with them in our daily life. These technologies profoundly transform the nature of the creation of the news content, challenging our ability to critically analyze the massive amounts of information we are exposed to daily, with new and highly complex mechanisms of manipulation, imperso­nation, and influence we still need to assimilate.

Article Details

How to Cite
Sora, Carles. “The Digital Future of Facts”., no. 17, pp. 1-10, doi:10.31009/
Author Biography

Carles Sora, Universitat Pompeu Fabra - Research Fellow at Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Carles Sora is Assistant Professor and researcher of digital media & culture at the Communication Department of Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), Barcelona. He is the director of the UPF incubator program Starting Lab and Academic Coordinator of the bachelor’s degree in Audiovisual Communication. He is also a Postdoctoral Fellow at MIT Open Documentary Lab. Sora holds a PhD in Media Studies and Digital Arts with a  dissertation on digital arts and narratives and their temporalities. He has worked in interactive projects for digital arts, digital theater and interactive scientific dissemination. He has presented his academic and artistic work in several international venues and was awarded recently with a postdoctoral Fulbright Grant in 2017 for a visiting scholarship at Open Doc Lab, School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, MIT, Cambridge. He is now working on interactive documentaries, immersive media and their impact.