Neo-rural literature and heritage: Space, memory and identity
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Mérida Donoso, José Antonio. “Neo-rural literature and heritage: Space, memory and identity”. Her&Mus. Heritage & Museography, vol.VOL 24, pp. 43-58, doi:10.60940/hermusv24id422971.


Neo-rural literature is usually understood as a catch-all term, a concept largely constructed by publishers in the wake of the success of Intemperie (2013) by Jesús Carrasco. It addresses a broad thematic axis related to depopulated Spain and new ruralities, bringing into focus a world that seemed forgotten. This sensitivity is linked to the search for roots, a sense of belonging, and renewed and ancient identities rooted in various memory spaces and «submerged memories » in the same nexus. In this way, we start with the analysis of the context or spatial framework of rural Spain to examine the most representative works of neo-rural literature that bring us closer to it, ultimately aiming to study its didactic and educational possibilities. The conclusions not only point out an audience eager to feel referenced in that space but also the ability of this literature to build bridges between the past and the present, signify and resignify rural spaces, and ultimately attend to their heritage.


  • Literary heritage, territorial development, neo-rural, new ruralities, identity, education
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