Textos clásicos y Geometría dinámica : estudio de un aporte mutuo para el aprendizaje de la Geometría

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Philippe R. Richard
Vicente Meavilla Seguí
Josep Maria Fortuny Aymemí
The new edition of classical mathematical texts, or its recent digitization for the general public, represents an approach to the universe that has been traditionally reserved to historians and other experts on epistemology. Many texts from the 18th century were already presented like works aimed at the explanation of certain mathematical concepts, and the interpretation of the coherence of the mathematical structure and the formal aspects of convincing proofs. The Éléments de géométrie by Alexis Claude Clairaut, that were first published in 17411 is an example of this type of pedagogical texts. Based on an experience with high school students, we examine the development of their mathematical competences through the analysis of one of Clairaut's texts, along with the use of dynamic geometry software.

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Richard, Philippe R. et al. “Textos clásicos y Geometría dinámica : estudio de un aporte mutuo para el aprendizaje de la Geometría”. Enseñanza de las Ciencias: revista de investigación y experiencias didácticas, vol.VOL 28, no. 1, pp. 95-112, https://raco.cat/index.php/Ensenanza/article/view/189099.