Supporting the independent lives of people with intellectual disabilities.
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Jiménez Fernández, Beatriz et al. “Supporting the independent lives of people with intellectual disabilities.: The challenges facing the Support Programme for Autonomy at Home”. Educació social. Revista d’intervenció socioeducativa, no. 79, pp. 55-75, doi:10.34810/EducacioSocialn79id385079.


The evolution of disability legislation in Spain should indicate that supported living can be a reality for many people with intellectual disabilities, guaranteeing their rights to independent living and participation in the community. Support professionals play a key role in helping people with disabilities to advance in their life projects in contexts of social inclusion. The aim of this study is to ascertain the vision and opinion of professionals regarding supported living from the point of view of the Support Programme for Autonomy at Home. Thirty-five professionals engaged in support to independent living services were interviewed to assess the programme, which, at the moment, is the resource that offers people with intellectual disabilities the possibility of receiving personalised support to develop their desired life project at home and in the community. The perspectives of these professionals provide us with data on the strengths of the programme, as well as aspects that should be improved in order to ensure that beneficiaries can advance in their right to independent living.


vida independent, professionals de suport, vida amb suport, discapacitat intel·lectual, suport personalitzat vida independiente, profesionales de apoyo, vida con apoyo, discapacidad intelectual, apoyo personalizado independent living, support professionals, supported living, intellectual disabilities, personalised support
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