Leisure education at the beginning of the 21st century
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How to Cite

Ruiz de Gauna, Rafael. “Leisure education at the beginning of the 21st century”. Educació social. Revista d’intervenció socioeducativa, no. 50, pp. 69-79, https://raco.cat/index.php/EducacioSocial/article/view/255367.


The leisure education movements included in this article could be characterized as iniciatives with a clear educational intention, oriented to the person as a whole (integral), with generalist approaches, usually young edu -cators who would liven the activities up, an inter- and intrarelational dimension, and the promotion and experience of certain values that the organization wants to promote and represent. This kind of educational intervention has also been named community-based leisure education, educational associationism or non-formal education.


  • activities
  • leisure contributions
  • culture and values
  • leisure education
  • legislation
  • movements
  • organizations
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