The development of subjectivity from creativity and art-therapy
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Coll Espinosa, Francisco Jesús. “The development of subjectivity from creativity and art-therapy”. Educació social. Revista d’intervenció socioeducativa, no. 28, pp. 41-53,


It might be said that c reativity is just the experience of living. Reality doesn' t exist, it is not a gift; it goes on trying to build afeeling of identity and of experiencing our emotions. We might say that creation has much in common with losing, or loss. Without it, we would have no desire to love, work. explore. communicate, etc. Herein lies the origin of creativity. and the importance of its development. Creativity is thus the creation of new links and forms of selfknowledge, of exploring reality and others. We might also consider plastic activity as having therapeutic effects per se, depending on existing links.


  • art
  • creativity
  • experience
  • creative thinking
  • subjectivity
  • vulnerability
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