Dues iniciatives en l'àmbit no formal de l'ensenyament musical a Mallorca (1977-1995)

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Llorenç Gelabert Gual
The article carries out an analysis of two musical teaching initiatives within the framework of the field of non-formal education, which took place in Mallorca between 1977 and 1995. The first one was the Courses of Choir Music, an initiative
launched by the musicians and pedagogues Joan Company and Baltasar Bibiloni under the auspices of the Escola de Formació del Professorat dEGB (Primary School Teacher Training School) in Palma. The School of Musical Pedagogy, the second initiative to be analysed here, was a subsequent attempt to prolong the task that was
being carried out in the aforementioned courses. As far as the methodology used is concerned, both initiatives became pioneers at that time in Mallorca and marked a point of inflection as regards musical teaching. Therefore, in this article we aim to
carefully analyse the historical and legislative conjuncture in which they took place, the methodology used and their legacy, which is still effective today.

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How to Cite
Gelabert Gual, Llorenç. “Dues iniciatives en l’àmbit no formal de l’ensenyament musical a Mallorca (1977-1995)”. Educació i Història: revista d’història de l’educació, no. 20, pp. 141-60, https://raco.cat/index.php/EducacioHistoria/article/view/265216.