Maig del 68 i la incidència en els discursos pedagògics pobres
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Albert Esteruelas i Teixidó
Jordi García i Farrero
In this article we analyse what the revolt of May ?68 means for pedagogical
discourses. First of all, we point out some of the incidents prior to the rebellion.
Secondly, we list and describe some of the characteristics that make up the counterspectacular
pedagogical thinking of the French revolt, a fact that has often been
overlooked when analysing this social upheaval. Inside the pedagogies of the French
May, we can detect the importance acquired by the illusion and ability to make the
ordinary something extraordinary, becoming an experience that embeds itself in fate
and extols uncertainty. The pedagogical discourses of May ?68 are characterised by
being fragmentary, adopting the non-dogmatic and often contradictory form of
aphorism and dialogue, being a democratic, communitarian, and vitalist pedagogy,
willing to increase and optimise daily life, and fighting against alienation, that is,
against the espectacle.
discourses. First of all, we point out some of the incidents prior to the rebellion.
Secondly, we list and describe some of the characteristics that make up the counterspectacular
pedagogical thinking of the French revolt, a fact that has often been
overlooked when analysing this social upheaval. Inside the pedagogies of the French
May, we can detect the importance acquired by the illusion and ability to make the
ordinary something extraordinary, becoming an experience that embeds itself in fate
and extols uncertainty. The pedagogical discourses of May ?68 are characterised by
being fragmentary, adopting the non-dogmatic and often contradictory form of
aphorism and dialogue, being a democratic, communitarian, and vitalist pedagogy,
willing to increase and optimise daily life, and fighting against alienation, that is,
against the espectacle.
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How to Cite
Esteruelas i Teixidó, Albert; and García i Farrero, Jordi. “Maig del 68 i la incidència en els discursos pedagògics pobres”. Educació i Història: revista d’història de l’educació, pp. 125-50,
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