Reading with hearing. Interpreting the territory with sonic imagination

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Coco Moya

This text presents “Tríptico tropos”, the performance conference that served as a defence for the thesis research work entitled De Geomancia, el paisaje como partitura (2023) where sound and its technologies are proposed as tools of knowledge and creation of a world. The work starts from speculative philosophy and vital materialism, as well as archaeoacoustics, to explore the site-specific sound interventions of all times in relation to the landscape. This is how we see that postalphabetic and postinternet cultures are reflected in indigenous and prehistoric cultures when faced with the problem of the natural. Technologies change, but the need for connection and interconnection remains and that network thinking or sonic thinking resurfaces. Aurality, as a metaphorical tool for thinking, allows us to intertwine with the world in terms of participation and integration. In conclusion, the imagination of the hearing and the speculative musical are a way to communicate and expand empathetically towards things. This serves as a form of interpretation of the ecosocial crisis context, providing a geomantic reading, that is, that aims to imagine futures. A cosmological practice that turns the territory into a score that we can play again.

sound art, site-specific, geomancy, speculative listening

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How to Cite
Moya, Coco. “Reading with hearing. Interpreting the territory with sonic imagination”. Artnodes, no. 35, pp. 1-12, doi:10.7238/artnodes.35.429348.
Author Biography

Coco Moya, Complutense University of Madrid

Coco Moya (Gijón, 1982) is an artist and musician. She works at the intersection of sound, territory, and technology, incorporating imagination and intuitiveness into practical thinking that could be termed paleocybernetic. She completed her thesis, "Geomancia Sonora, el Paisaje como partitura," at UCM, where she obtained her master's degree in Art and Research. She has received awards such as Etopia, Zaragoza, Claves Fundación Carasso, LABjoven Los Bragales, and Circuitos de Artes Plásticas (Circuits of Plastic Arts), and has exhibited at Casa Velázquez, Azkuna Zentroa, the National Archaeological Museum (in Madrid), Medialab-Prado, LABoral, and Casa Encendida. She commissioned UCM’s Encuentros Sonoros (Sound Encounters) and the network of art projects in the country El Cubo Verde.


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