Considering the technological, energetic and environmental advantages of precolloidal starch production compared to other types of starches modified by physical and chemical means and the potential uses of precolloidal starch as a food stabilizer, the objective of this work is to carry out the functional evaluation of precolloidal starch compared to native starch and the sensory evaluation of ice cream made using precolloidal starch from Manihot esculenta Crantz as a partial substitute for the stabilizing agents in its formulation. The comparative functional evaluation showed a significantly higher performance for precolloidal starch with respect to native starch for the criteria water absorption index, water solubility index and swelling power. Through the preparation of milk ice cream, in discontinuous operation at pilot scale, it was shown that the sensory evaluation is satisfactory for the substitution of between 20 and 30 % of a commercial stabilizer by precolloidal starch, reaching adequate industrial yield indexes. Additionally, it was evidenced that the production of ice cream of cream typology, in continuous operation at industrial scale, reaches satisfactory sensory evaluation when 20 % of commercial stabilizer is replaced by precolloidal starch and similar industrial yield levels, with respect to the experience without starch.