Interview with Mikel Forcada

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Amparo Alcina

Mikel Forcada is a full professor in the Department of Languages and Computing Systems at the University of Alicante. His work is heavily influenced by his interest in machine translation, computer assisted translation and processing natural language and carried out within the context of the research group Transducens. Their most well-known machine translation application is Apertium, but they have developed others such as Bitextor, TagAligner, DocTrans, all of which are written in open code.

Forcada is the President of the European Association of Machine Translation, EAMT and has always been open to collaborating and exchanging points of view with those in the fields of computing, linguistics and translation. This interview is likewise the fruit of such collaboration, in which we quiz him about present and future trends in machine translation, its stages of development and the role of translators and linguists in its evolution.
Machine translation

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How to Cite
Alcina, Amparo. “Interview with Mikel Forcada”. Tradumàtica: traducció i tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació, no. 15, pp. 124-7,