Social pedagogy, old age and personal autonomy
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Miquel Gómez i Serra
Núria Fabra Fres
Carles Vila Mumbrú
In contemporary Western society take place demographic, sociocultural, economic and psychosocial changes that transform personal and social relationships as well as family structures and, as a result, traditional forms of care of the elderly, both in relation to the promotion of quality of life, as the maintenance of their personal autonomy and its care when appears or increases their dependency status. These processes not only affect the values and patterns of life of the elderly, but they affect directly potential caregivers, who in their vast majority are immediate family members. Social pedagogy must play an important role in the various moments of the life cycle of the people, and in the stage of old age, this role should not only relate to the exercise of the socioeducational action professionals, but they must take into account the needs of the elderly people and their possible informal caregivers. Social pedagogy should promote quality of life and autonomy of people at different stages of their aging process: while they are fully autonomous, when they begin to lose autonomy and, finally, when they are dependent and need support from caregivers.
Old age, social pedagogy, quality of life, well-being, personal autonomy, dependency
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How to Cite
Gómez i Serra, Miquel et al. “Social pedagogy, old age and personal autonomy”. Temps d’Educació, no. 54, pp. 239-54,