La formació permanent del professorat d'educació infantil: elements de reflexió

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Otília Defis i Peix
Ferran A. Candela
Francesc Martínez Olmo
Silvia Morón Sompolinski
Maria Vinuesa
The specific qualities observed in child education professionals on the whole are typified by a very active dynamic that generates new methodologies, strategies, and resources for a quality educational operation, at a stage that is vitally important for correct child development. These qualities have to be borne in mind when training the trainers of the teaching staff for this educational stage, in order to enhance their professional development. What are needed are projects of alternative education that connect up the “fields of education” in terms of the following: school, family, local institutions and associations. Together they have to evolve disinterested and democratic models, capable of channelling the interaction and reciprocity between the culture of school and the culture outside it.

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How to Cite
Defis i Peix, Otília et al. “La formació permanent del professorat d’educació infantil: elements de reflexió”. Temps d’Educació, no. 30, pp. 11-24,