Mobile learning en l’àmbit de l’arquitectura i l’edificació. Anàlisi de casos d’estudi
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En aquesta investigació educativa ens hem centrat en l’ús de l’aprenentatge mòbil (ML) en el camp de l’arquitectura i la construcció. Es va dur a terme en diferents nivells de l’ensenyament universitari de grau i de màster, a fi d’avaluar la integració de la tecnologia de la realitat augmentada (RA) en dispositius mòbils. S’han fet uns quants estudis de cas, en els quals s’han analitzat diferents estratègies, que van des de l’ús dels codis QR (quick reference) o marcadors específics per a baixar continguts multimèdia generats pels estudiants fins a models 3D georeferenciats per a ser ajustats i avaluats en el lloc. Per tant, es van dissenyar pràctiques específiques en el marc de diferents temes, en què han estat provats els dos tipus més comuns de registre (reconeixement òptic d’imatge i posicionament GPS). També s’ha estudiat la integració de la llum en l’escena. A causa del cost elevat i de la disponibilitat limitada d’aquests dispositius, hem creat grups experimentals amb pocs alumnes que comparteixen, si cal, els terminals. La millora del rendiment acadèmic i la manejabilitat dels sistemes han estat avaluades en cada cas específic fent servir qüestionaris estandarditzats, en comparació del grup d’estudiants de control. Els resultats mostren que aquests dispositius s’han convertit en una eina eficaç, eficient i satisfactòria per a l’ús d’aquesta tecnologia mòbil, l’RA en la versió (hand-held) manejable a mà.
Article Details
Ernest Redondo, Doctor arquitecte, professor titular d’universitat. Departament d’Expressió Gràfica Arquitectònica I. Escola Tècnica Superior d’Arquitectura de Barcelona. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTech
Architect (ETSAB-UPC, 1981). Doctorate in Architecture (1992). Doctorate special award (1994). Tenured university lecturer (1993), Department of Architectural Representation and Visual Analysis I (EGA-I), UPC. Department of EGA-I director (1996-2003). Deputy director of ETSAB-UPC (since 2011). He has two Government of Spain CNEAI-recognised six-year increments and two Government of Catalonia AGAUR-recognised research periods. Principal researcher on the National RD&I Project EDU-2012-37247/EDUC. Assessor of the Spanish National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation. Assessor of the Spanish National Agency for Assessment and Foresight (since 2006). Director of the UPC research group in Architecture, Representation and Modelling (ARM). Director of the GILDA-ICE-UPC executive committee. Member of the scientific and editorial boards of several publications. Lecturer of several subjects in the field of Architectural Representation and Visual Analysis on the Architecture bachelor’s degree course, using conventional and digital methods, and president of the final year project board at ETSAB-UPC and the Research into Urban Management and Valuation master’s degree board, UPC (since 2008). Principal researcher on Educational Research Projects AGAUR, ICE-UPC, 1999ARCS-00230 and 2007MQD00025. Author of more than 25 indexed publications, WOK, SCOPUS, Avery, RIBA, focusing on the use of ICTs in architecture. He has supervised four doctoral theses.
David Fonseca, Doctor enginyer. Professor titular de l’Escola Universitària, Arquitectura La Salle. Universitat Ramon Llull
Technical Engineer in Telecommunications (La Salle-URL, 1998). Bachelor’s degree in Audiovisual Communication (Open University of Catalonia, UOC, 2006). Master’s degree in Information and Knowledge Society (UOC, 2009). Doctorate (URL, 2011). Tenured university school lecturer (2002). Lecturer in the Department of Architecture, La Salle Campus Barcelona, URL (since 1997). Researcher for the Department of Media Technology, La Salle Campus Barcelona, URL (since 2005). Internationally certified by Autodesk in AutoCAD (since 1997) and Revit (since 2011). Project manager, Department of Architecture, La Salle Campus Barcelona, URL (since 2010): IntUBE (224286), OikodomosII (177090-LLP-1-2010-1-ES-ERASMUS-EAM), Repener (BIA2009-13365). He is a principal researcher on Project EDU-2012-37247/EDUC. Member of GILDA-ICE-UPC and of the scientific and editorial boards of several publications. Tutorial manager and academic tutor, lecturer of several subjects in the field of IT Tools on the bachelor’s degree course in Architecture and Building Construction Science and Technology. President of final year work, final year project, final bachelor’s degree and master’s degree project boards at La Salle-UPC (since 1999). Member of several doctoral boards at the UPC and Pompeu Fabra University (UPF) (since 2011). Author of more than 10 indexed publications focusing on usability, accessibility and architectural education, as well as on the use of ICTs in architecture. He has jointly supervised two doctoral theses.
Albert Sánchez, Doctor arquitecte. Professor ajudant. Departament d’Expressió Gràfica Arquitectònica II. Escola Politècnica Superior d’Edificació de Barcelona. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTech
Architect (Vallès School of Architecture (ETSAV), UPC, 1999). Postgraduate qualification in Executive Projects (UPC-Sert School, 2001). Postgraduate qualification in Town Planning and Land Management (Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB)-APCE, 2005). Master’s degree in Urban Management and Valuation (Centre for Land Policy and Valuations, UPC, 2010). Doctorate in Architecture (2013), with the thesis entitled Evaluación de la tecnología de realidad aumentada móvil en entornos educativos del ámbito de la arquitectura y la edificación (Assessment of augmented reality technology in educational environments in the field of architecture and building construction), focusing on the assessment of technology in teaching environments in the field of architecture, town planning and building construction.
Isidro Navarro, Arquitecte, estudiant de doctorat. Departament d’Expressió Gràfica Arquitectònica I. Escola Tècnica Superior d’Arquitectura de Barcelona. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTech
Architect (ETSAB-UPC, 1999). Doctoral candidate on the Modelling and Visual Simulation in Architecture (MSVA) programme at ETSAB-UPC. Adjunct university lecturer (2005) in the Department of Representation and Visual Analysis I (EGA-I), UPC. Tenured university school lecturer in the Department of Architecture, La Salle Campus Barcelona, Ramon Llull University (URL) (since 1994). Internationally certified by Autodesk in AutoCAD (since 2010), MAX and Revit (since 2011). Member of the UPC research group in Architecture, Representation and Modelling (ARM). Member of the GILDA-ICE-UPC research group. Author of several indexed publications focusing on usability, accessibility and architectural education, as well as on the use of ICTs and augmented reality in architecture. Tutorial manager and academic tutor, lecturer of several subjects in the field of Architectural Representation and Visual Analysis, using conventional and digital methods, on the bachelor’s degree course in Architecture and Building Construction Science and Technology. Training coordinator of BIM (Revit) parametric programs at the CAD Centre (CeCAD), La Salle (since 2010). Master’s degree programme coordinator in the Department of Architecture, La Salle (since 2010). Director of the master’s degree programme in Sustainable Architecture and Energy Efficiency (since 2009). Coordinator of the postgraduate programme in Environmental Architecture and Sustainable Town Planning (since 2009).