Implementation of strategies for the reflexive practice in the initial and permanent training of teachers

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Begoña Piqué-Simón
The formative research that is presented has been carried out during two academic courses (2008-2009 and 2009-2010), in the area of the teachers' training , with groups of students of 1st semestre and within the framework of Didactics and Educational Organization, subject of the new degree of child education. To carry it out the collaboration of teachers in assets of the Stage of Child Education of different schools of Barcelona has been counted on. This research has facilitated the incorporation of reflexive practice strategies from the direct participation of the students in environments of learning typical of the educational exercise, the classrooms of child education. The intervention of the students has been possible thanks to the organization and curricular planning of the schools in different spaces and environments of learning that have allowed a collaborative work among teachers, students and teaching staff. The results of this research have been the implementation of formation methodologies of reflexive practice (personal and professional improvement), the relationship among the university education and the work world (theory and practice) and the acquisition of skills and competences of the students and professionals (novels and experts). Results contribute to the improvement of the educational action through the joint participation of two collectives: university and school.
Recerca acció - formació de mestres - pràctica reflexiva - innovació metodològica - treball col•laboratiu - universitat i escola

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How to Cite
Piqué-Simón, Begoña. “Implementation of strategies for the reflexive practice in the initial and permanent training of teachers”. REIRE. Revista d’Innovació i Recerca en Educació, vol.VOL 4, no. 1, pp. 25-42,