Marcela de Juan (黄玛赛): los inicios de los trasvases culturales entre China y España en el siglo XX

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Tian Mi
Marcela de Juan is one of the most important translators from Chinese to Spanish in early 20th century’s Spain. She was a qualified interpreter and had a life-long job at the translation department of the Spanish government as well as experiences in numerous international conferences. She was also a mediator between Chinese and Spanish cultures and gave series of lectures on Chinese culture around Europe. She was a major translator of poetry and short stories from Chinese into Spanish. However, there has been little research on her life and works. In this article, we attempt to trace her life story and to introduce her activity and publications.
Paraules clau
translator, Marcela de Juan, China

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Com citar
Mi, Tian. “Marcela de Juan (黄玛赛): los inicios de los trasvases culturales entre China y España en el siglo XX”. Quaderns: revista de traducció, no. 25, pp. 203-16,