La especificidad cultural del texto literario : propuesta didáctica de sensibilización
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Andrea Schäpers
Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Departamento de Traducción e Interpretación
The cultural specificity of a literary work is, to a large extent, consequential of the cultural markers therein, as these hew the plot and add colour, thereby contributing to the work’s specific cultural identity: a society in a historical moment and in a specific geographical location, social customs and practices, and a very specific cultural heritage. In order to raise the awareness of trainee translators regarding the translation of cultural markers and the implications for the cultural universe evoked in the original text, we present a methodological proposal for a contrastive study of cultural references in an original text by analysing several translations of the same text, each of which contains cultural elements with highly marked connotative values together with classroom tasks derived from this teaching activity.
Paraules clau
especificidad cultural, marcadores culturales, carga connotativa, traducción literaria, didáctica de la traducción literaria
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Com citar
Schäpers, Andrea. “La especificidad cultural del texto literario : propuesta didáctica de sensibilización”. Quaderns: revista de traducció, no. 23, pp. 37-58,