No. 9 (2017): The Translation of Humour

Juan José Martínez Sierra, Patrick Zabalbeascoa Terran (coord.)

No. 8 (2016): Economic, Financial and Business Translation: From Theory to Training and Professional Practice

Daniel Gallego Hernández, Geoffrey S. Koby & Verónica Román Mínguez (Eds.)

No. 7 (2015): La Interpretación en el Ámbito Judicial en un Momento de Cambio

Daniel Gallego Hernández (ed. lit.), Geoffrey S. Koby (ed. lit.), Verónica Román Mínguez (ed. lit.)

2015: Special Issue 2. Insights in Interpreting. Status and Developments

Catalina Iliescu Gheorghiu & Juan Miguel Ortega Herráez (Eds.)