Dismissals due to business reasons are mostly connected to collective redundancies. In 2013, 132 companies started the information and consultation procedure (with an announcement) which is obliged in case of collective redundancies, 8865 employees were involved (983 in Brussels, 3759 in Flanders and 4123 in Wallonia). The metal production industry was affected the most, with collective redundancies relating to 2986 employees. 140 companies ended the information and consultation procedure in 2013, resulting in 15717 dismissed employees (942 in Brussels, 9372 in Flanders and 5665 in Wallonia), while at the start of the procedure 16316 jobs were threatened. The procedure thus might have saved 605 jobs. In the metal production sector, 8797 employees lost their employment in 2013, leaving the other sectors far behind. In 2012 “only” 8044 employees lost their jobs in a collective redundancy, in 2011 there were 5654 and in 2010 there were 12862.
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