Human writing versus writing with automated artificial intelligence: the case of El Rancagüino newspaper and algorithmic notes

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Alexis Apablaza-Campos

This work carries out a comparative analysis of 32 articles (17 written by human journalists and 15 generated by content automation using AI) published in El Rancagüino (Chile) about football matches of the O’Higgins de Rancagua club in the Campeonato Chileno 2023. Despite the increase in AI experiences in the media after the emergence of ChatGPT, neither automation in journalism nor the use of robots in sports reporting are recent phenomena, which is why different authors discuss whether artificial intelligence and content automation respond to the same phenomenon. The AI essays studied correspond to a product called algorithmic notes created by the company DataFactory. The compared results allow us to detect that while human writing obtains more page views, longer time spent on the page and greater average length; The automated content includes greater multimedia elements and was mostly published first than the journalistic chronicles. With all this, the conclusions allow us to verify that beyond the origin of the writing there is a direct relationship between the informative relevance and the visibility of the content. Furthermore, the development of automated practices in newsrooms invites journalists to produce higher quality cyberjournalistic production.


Journalistic writing, Journalism, Digital media, Digital news media, Content automation, AI, Artificial Intelligence

Article Details

How to Cite
Apablaza-Campos, Alexis. “Human writing versus writing with automated artificial intelligence: the case of El Rancagüino newspaper and algorithmic notes”., no. 28, pp. 143-52, doi:10.31009/
Author Biography

Alexis Apablaza-Campos, Universidad de Artes, Ciencias y Comunicación, UNIACC

Researcher of the Postdoctoral Program of the Faculty of Communication of the University of Navarra, doctor in Communication (PhD) from the Pompeu Fabra University, professor of the Faculty of Communications of the UNIACC University (Chile), collaborator of the DigiDoc Group and analyst editor of the Cybermedia Observatory (UPF). Digital Communication Consultant for the Josep Salvat PR agency (Barcelona), web and social media advisor for the newspaper El Rancagüino, responsible for the Academia DataFactory project, and general director and founder of the digital news media Main lines of research: journalistic experiences with artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence, social media live streaming, social networks, digital communication, journalism, digital journalism, digital news media and digital media.


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